Friday, May 4, 2007

Eating, Drinking and Carousing in Library

The Library at the Mercy University Hospital is located in what was originally the Mansion House, former residence of the Mayors of Cork. The building was designed in an Italianate style by the architect Davis Ducart and no expense was spared on its construction and fitting out. The magnificent stucco work, carried out in an elaborate Rococo style by Patrick Osborne of Waterford, remains remarkably intact. The building was completed around 1767. From early on the Mansion House became renowned for its magnificent balls, receptions and banquets, which were both lavish and frequent. But as the economy of the city declined in the early 19th century, the Corporation realised that it could no longer afford to subsidise such excess. The Mayor was relocated to a more humble abode and the Mansion House was handed over to the Church. The Mercy Hospital opened for business on St. Patrick’s Day 1857.

As part of our 150th anniversary celebrations, it was decided to hold two celebratory banquets in the hospital. And what more appropriate place to hold them than in the Library, which was the original dining room of the Mansion House? Mary Dunnion, Director of Nursing, hosted the first banquet to coincide with the inaugural National Nursing Conference and Professor Gerry O’Sullivan, current President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, hosted the other.

The Library received a total makeover for both occasions. The room was lit by large antique candelabras. To enter the Library was to take a step back in time to a more elegant age. And for once food was eaten and drink imbibed without any admonishment from Library staff, and not a single ssssshhhhhh was heard all evening.

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